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Expand your knowledge with Texada training webinars on current topics today.

SRM Tutorial: Preventive Maintenance Scheduling

This SRM Tutorial looks at preventive maintenance scheduling. Covering key points about what it is, how to use it, and best practices. We also discuss how to schedule maintenance based on different products, types of maintenance, and at what intervals maintenance should be scheduled.

Duration: 34 Minutes

SRM Tutorial: Cycle Billing

This SRM Tutorial provides an overview of the cycle billing function. Covering key points about what it is, how to use it, and cycle billing best practices. We also discuss how to generate invoices within SRM, the benefits of using the smart billing feature, and how to leverage the contracts billings inquiry feature.

Duration: 23 Minutes

SRM Tutorial: Inventory Management

This SRM tutorial provides an overview of inventory management. Topics covered include managing re-rentals, buying assets, and disposing of assets. We will also discuss related reporting and inventory management best practices.


Duration: 42 Minutes