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Trackunit logo

Trackunit is the leading SaaS-based IoT solution for the construction industry, offering an ecosystem of hardware, fleet management software & telematics. Learn more about the Texada telematics integration today.


HubSpot logo

Our HubSpot integration automates the connection between your marketing workflows and your sales reps in order to ensure rapid response times to leads.

Power BI

PowerBI logo

Microsoft Power BI is an interactive data visualization software product with a primary focus on business intelligence. Now, you can find out about the Texada business intelligence and analytics integration for equipment businesses.


Targit logo

TARGIT delivers easier ways to work with data, with actionable insights that improve profitability and productivity. Learn more about the Texada business intelligence and analytics integration built for the equipment industry today. 


This image represents the logo of Texada partner- Vertex

Vertex is the leading and most-trusted provider of comprehensive, integrated tax technology solutions, having helped 10000+ businesses since 1978. Learn more about the Texada tax automation integration today.

Global Payments

This image represents texada partner logo - Global payments Partner Logo

Global Payments is the leading worldwide provider of payment technology and software solutions delivering innovative services to our customers. Explore the Texada payment processing integration for your equipment business.


This image represents the logo of Texada partenr - Avalara

Avalara aspires to be part of every transaction in the world. With their tax compliance software solutions, your business can automate manual processes and reduce errors — while increasing compliance and saving time and money.